Bull Moose Party

17th place

723 points


User Name Score
5e4jcve 155
w8zevhty 220
qsq9zr9 190
aa5x7jyyy 158
3av28sp 0


Challenge Category Value Time
Gain Access 0
Bacon Cryptography 10
Alphabetical Disorder Cryptography 15
Python Basics 1 Programming 10
Python Basics 2 Programming 15
Python Basics 3 Programming 15
Vigenère Cryptography 10
Python Basics 4 Programming 20
Mexican Army Wheel Cryptography 15
Caesar Cryptography 10
Atbash Cryptography 10
Navajo Cryptography 10
I broke it… Forensics 5
SQL Basics 1 Programming 5
SQL Basics 2 Programming 5
On the fence Cryptography 10
SQL Basics 3 Programming 10
Password Breach 1 Cybersecurity 10
Magic Picture Forensics 30
I Thought Linux was Secure! Security 15
Biology Cryptography 10
Pizza Cryptography 20
Career Exploration 4 Grab-Bag 15
Which creek? Forensics 15
Career Exploration 2 Grab-Bag 15
WannaCry Grab-Bag 10
MAC Addresses 2 Networking 10
MAC Addresses 1 Networking 5
Pigpen Cryptography 10
Password Breach 5 Cybersecurity 3
Career Exploration 1 Grab-Bag 15
War Games Grab-Bag 5
Query Quest 1 Programming 10
Query Quest 2 Programming 20
Internet Protocols 1 Networking 5
MAC Addresses 3 Networking 15
Password Breach 2 Cybersecurity 15
Once upon a whimsical noon Forensics 40
Query Quest 3 Programming 30
Query Quest 4 Programming 40
Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion Programming 5
Octal to Decimal Conversion Programming 5
Binary to Decimal Conversion Programming 10
Rudimentary Java Programming 15
Email Scam Cybersecurity 10
Duckspeak Cipher Cryptography 15
Morbit Cipher Cryptography 20
Password Breach 4 Cybersecurity 15
Password Breach 6 Cybersecurity 15
Password Breach 7 Cybersecurity 20
Password Breach 8 Cybersecurity 30
Password Breach 3 Cybersecurity 15
Locked Forensics 10