Digital Crackers

10th place

1318 points


User Name Score
4hzxgr 0
ffz3ddh7k 663
d77d7uk 0
vfepjmr 500
adupr5s7 155


Challenge Category Value Time
Gain Access 0
Atbash Cryptography 10
Alphabetical Disorder Cryptography 15
Pizza Cryptography 20
Navajo Cryptography 10
Bacon Cryptography 10
Career Exploration 1 Grab-Bag 15
Career Exploration 2 Grab-Bag 15
Caesar Cryptography 10
Career Exploration 4 Grab-Bag 15
SQL Basics 1 Programming 5
Vigenère Cryptography 10
Enigma 1 Cryptography 14
Enigma 2 Cryptography 16
Python Basics 1 Programming 10
Python Basics 2 Programming 15
Python Basics 3 Programming 15
Pigpen Cryptography 10
Password Breach 1 Cybersecurity 10
Password Breach 5 Cybersecurity 3
I broke it… Forensics 5
Mexican Army Wheel Cryptography 15
Affine Cryptography 15
On the fence Cryptography 10
The Hidden Ring Steganography 30
He Who Shall Not Be Named Steganography 40
DVWA Port Programming 60
Query Quest 5 Programming 40
Biology Cryptography 10
Password Breach 2 Cybersecurity 15
Stained QR Coding Forensics 50
tcpdump 1 Networking 5
tcpdump 5 Networking 5
Internet Protocols 1 Networking 5
WannaCry Grab-Bag 10
tcpdump 2 Networking 10
tcpdump 4 Networking 15
Busy Traffic 3 Networking 30
Internet Protocols 2 Networking 10
I Thought Linux was Secure! Security 15
tcpdump 6 Networking 20
MAC Addresses 1 Networking 5
MAC Addresses 2 Networking 10
MAC Addresses 3 Networking 15
Busy Traffic 4 Networking 20
Locked Forensics 10
Query Quest 1 Programming 10
Query Quest 2 Programming 20
Query Quest 3 Programming 30
Query Quest 4 Programming 40
Radiogram Steganography 15
SQL Basics 2 Programming 5
SQL Basics 3 Programming 10
Busy Traffic 1 Networking 10
Busy Traffic 2 Networking 20
Busy Traffic 7 Networking 20
Python Basics 4 Programming 20
tcpdump 3 Networking 10
What do you see? Forensics 10
Which creek? Forensics 15
I'm tired… Forensics 10
Voynich Cryptography 15
Busy Traffic 6 Networking 30
No need for 11, 12, or 13 Grab-Bag 5
War Games Grab-Bag 5
SQL Database Programming 30
Email Scam Cybersecurity 10
Duckspeak Cipher Cryptography 15
Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion Programming 5
Octal to Decimal Conversion Programming 5
Rudimentary Java Programming 15
Morbit Cipher Cryptography 20
Binary to Decimal Conversion Programming 10
Beaufort Cipher Cryptography 15
Decryption Cryptography 10
Where's Waldo? Steganography 15
Stereogram Grab-Bag 15
All the 8s Programming 15
Find Him Forensics 10
CYBER.ORG Site Search Steganography 15
Webbot Programming 15
Music Cryptography 50
Busy Traffic 5 Networking 40
Student Survey Grab-Bag 5