
The Cyber Squad

12th place

1273 points



Challenge Category Value Time
Gain Access 0
Navajo Cryptography 10
Bacon Cryptography 10
Alphabetical Disorder Cryptography 15
Password Breach 1 Cybersecurity 10
Career Exploration 4 Grab-Bag 15
Vigenère Cryptography 10
Password Breach 5 Cybersecurity 3
Affine Cryptography 15
Pigpen Cryptography 10
On the fence Cryptography 10
Enigma 1 Cryptography 14
He Who Shall Not Be Named Steganography 40
The Hidden Ring Steganography 30
Query Quest 5 Programming 40
Stained QR Coding Forensics 50
tcpdump 5 Networking 5
tcpdump 2 Networking 10
Python Basics 1 Programming 10
tcpdump 4 Networking 15
Busy Traffic 3 Networking 30
I Thought Linux was Secure! Security 15
Internet Protocols 2 Networking 10
tcpdump 6 Networking 20
Mexican Army Wheel Cryptography 15
Query Quest 2 Programming 20
MAC Addresses 2 Networking 10
MAC Addresses 3 Networking 15
Busy Traffic 4 Networking 20
Locked Forensics 10
Query Quest 1 Programming 10
Query Quest 3 Programming 30
Query Quest 4 Programming 40
Internet Protocols 1 Networking 5
Radiogram Steganography 15
SQL Basics 3 Programming 10
Python Basics 4 Programming 20
What do you see? Forensics 10
I'm tired… Forensics 10
Voynich Cryptography 15
Busy Traffic 6 Networking 30
No need for 11, 12, or 13 Grab-Bag 5
Stereogram Grab-Bag 15
CYBER.ORG Site Search Steganography 15
Beaufort Cipher Cryptography 15
Music Cryptography 50
Student Survey Grab-Bag 5
Busy Traffic 5 Networking 40
Python Basics 3 Programming 15
Python Basics 2 Programming 15
Busy Traffic 1 Networking 10
Busy Traffic 2 Networking 20
Enigma 2 Cryptography 16
Decryption Cryptography 10
Morbit Cipher Cryptography 20